IMPORTANT >>> Please Read The Message Below BEFORE you use the exercise (Please allow 10-15 minutes for delivery)

Thank you so much for requesting the "Don't Take Them Personally" NPA Exercise (It's been sent to the email you provided, please allow 10-15 minutes for it to arrive)
I would love to let you know how you can make the exercise even MORE powerful.
Specifically, I want to share how you can use The NPA Process it in all sorts of challenging situations and areas you feel stuck to make the life-changing shifts you've been looking for.
So BEFORE you check your inbox, I invite you to scroll down and continue reading. Because now that you have access to the exercise, I want to show you how you can take it and do so much more…
How To Open Up The Full Power Of The NPA Process
And Bring Yourself Release & Freedom In All Sorts Of Life Challenges
Hi, this is Joel Young, I’m the creator & custodian of The NPA Process - a simple method that I, and thousands of others around the globe, have used to stop taking people and situations personally. It’s a really cool way to help yourself feel liberated and more connected to yourself in challenging situations.
The ‘Don’t take them Personally’ exercise that is on it's way to you is perfect if there's someone specific in your life who you find a challenge to deal with, or if someone specific has said or done something to you that caused you stress or pain in any way…
What you'll discover is that The NPA Process is like a template, and you need to ‘fill in the gaps’ with a word or phrase that is both relevant AND connected...
Dealing with a specific someone is one of the few occasions where finding the right words to use is obvious… and has a really good chance of connecting right away, because names are so clear/distinct…
However there are many ways we ‘take things personally’ where the ‘connected words’ are a LOT LESS obvious…
Once you discover how to find the right words in more subtle situations you really start to open up the power of The NPA Process...
I want to show you a simple way to find those more subtle words and phrases which will free you up and bring you release in an amazing array of life situations…
It may surprise you, but I have come to realise that the mechanism of ‘taking stuff personally’ is responsible for a huge amount of unnecessary suffering…
And when you learn how to reverse that mechanism it will bring you a huge amount of relief
For example... People have used The NPA Process to find relief in all sorts of ways…
- Physical stuff: recurring pain, weight issues & illness.
- Relationship stuff: breakup, relationship conflict, parent-child issues.
- Work & Money stuff: financial crisis or debt, not enough clients, career indecision.
- Emotional stuff: depression, fear, unworthiness
And many more!
Are You Experiencing A Situation Like One Of These? Would You Like To Let It Go?
You Can Join The People That Have Already Resolved These Exact Situations And Many Others With The NPA Process
Let me share some specific situations people have described to me, and then using The NPA Process (along with finding the key connected phrases) have been able to bring relief or make the changes they wanted…
In the area of Health & Fitness:
"I keep on having headaches and nothing will make them go away."
"I have had knee pain for ages now and despite going to all the different experts nothing seems to work."
"I have been trying to get into a regular exercise routine for the last 10 years and I have never quite managed it and would so love to be the athlete I once was, despite my best efforts I have never been able to crack it and am slowly getting fatter."
"I was terrified after a medial diagnosis and began to obsess about it in an unhealthy way."
"I have had a lifelong battle with weight."
"I have always felt unattractive ugly and out of place especially when I am with the 'beautiful’ people"
(Remember these are actual situations people have described to me, which they have resolved by finding the key connected phrases and using The NPA Process…)
In the area of Relationship:
"I want a relationship and I keep on going after the wrong people, I know that I will never have a relationship with the kind of people I am currently dating, and yet I still keep on dating them. What’s wrong with me, why cant I do something different?”
"I am splitting up from my husband and it is causing me huge amounts of pain and I just cant seem to get over it"
In the area of Emotional/Mental/Psychological issues:
"I feel a sense of lack and I cannot put my finger on it”
"I don't know why I want to discover more about NPA I just know that I need to”
“I am paralysed by indecision"
“I keep suffering from childhood patterns…” (I’ve also heard that for unworthiness, guilt & blocked creativity)
“I don't know what my passion or purpose is”
These have all been resolved and, of course, this is no way a complete list...
Cookie Cutters...
There's a term we use for those 'key relevant and connected phrases' in NPA and we call them 'Cookie Cutters'. They can actually be a single word, a phrase, a sound, a gesture... Many things, and as I keep saying, knowing how to spot them is essential!
So if you are repeatedly experiencing something that you would like to let go of, shift or change, then I’m going to make you an amazing offer…
The NPA Key Word Cheat Sheet
Your 3 Step Guide To Finding The NPA ‘Cookie Cutter’ Key Words In Any Situation Where You Are Suffering
(So You Can Use The NPA Process To Let Go Of The Pain And Start Experiencing Relief, Peace And Empowerment)

I have dedicated over 18 years to helping people find more peace, more freedom, more love and more success in their lives.
I’ve worked with literally thousands of people in over 20 countries around the world - I’ve seen every kind of block, resistance, pain and suffering and witnessed miracles, transformations and ‘gob-smacking’ progress in every walk of human experience.
I’ve developed a deep understanding of the human condition. I understand how and why we block ourselves from getting where we say we want to go, and it’s easy for me to guide someone through their tricky inner territory so they can emerge bang on track for hitting their target.
But I wanted to go a step further.
I wanted to provide simple, practical and easy to apply ways for people to navigate themselves through that territory.
This way, I knew, I could help so many more people. People like you who want to naturally and easily let go of unnecessary suffering; so you’ll finally get the relief you deserve.
When my method, which I call NPA, came along I realised I had the answer to that prayer.
If I had time, there’s so much I could say here about NPA itself - about it’s fundamental simplicity, how it helps you bypass the tricky personality entirely and how it’s busting many of the modern myths about what is required to make profound changes in your life…
But I don’t have that time here and I want to cut to the chase...
So, the thing you really need to know is that the key to NPA, is knowing how to find the key words that apply to YOU and YOUR life situation.
Here’s a sample of what’s covered in your 3 STEP GUIDE…:
- Additional and important instructions for using The NPA Process that will help you relax and let it be easy.
- The essential question to ask yourself when you’re looking for those key words, and the surprising approach to answering it.
- How to spot those all important key words. (As I said, I actually call the word or phrase a “Cookie Cutter” and getting this right is absolutely critical to success).
- The 3 biggest mistakes people make when finding their "cookie cutter" and the surprisingly simple approach that will virtually guarantee you nail it
- The biggest trap that nearly all newbies fall into and how to avoid it (Falling into it makes things that much harder)
- The simple ‘hold-your-hand’ cheat sheet that you can action right away and start improving your situation today!
…and (there are) so many more ‘secondary’ benefits.
I can’t emphasise enough how important it is to know how to find the cookie cutter key words and tailor the process to fit each situation, and without guidance you’ll almost certainly fall into the traps that I see people fall into all the time.
I mean it...
Don’t Try To Use The NPA Process In This Way Until You’ve Followed The 3 Step Guide To Finding The Key Words!
I’ve done everything I can to make it paint by numbers easy for you
I want you to experience the shifts that I have
I want you to experience the shifts that YOU want!
Don’t try and figure it out yourself (you might get lucky, but you’ll most likely end up making the classic errors, end up disappointed and disillusioned AGAIN, and totally miss this opportunity to finally make the difference that matters!)
That’s why I’ve taken the time to bring my focus, my experience and expertise to this topic and create The 3 Step Guide for YOU!
So now you don’t have to guess and you don’t have to go it alone!

Normally when I take the time to build a super focused training that offers this kind of value to your life I would be looking to sell it for between $47 - $97, but for a very limited time I’ll let you have instant access to this guide for just $7
Yep… $7.
Literally, for $7 you could head out to Starbucks for a fancy coffee or you can:
- Save yourself hours, weeks, months even years of unnecessary suffering, disappointment and pain
- Discover how easily YOU can join the world of effortless transformation
- Start watching yourself change your habits before your very eyes
- Finally get that sense of inner self-respect that comes from NOT taking things personally!
- Breathe a DEEP sigh of relief as you feel the pressure and the weight come off
- Get ready to have your friends marvel at your transformation and demand to know what you’ve been doing!
- Start getting compliments out of the blue that make you shine from the inside out (I’ve had that feedback a lot from people who’ve followed my lead)
- Make that all important step towards a new, lighter you today!

The choice is yours…
(If you wanna get started, if you wanna start making your shift today…)
Click the “Add To Cart” button, start finding YOUR cookie cutter key words and begin feeling lighter and freer TODAY…
(If you want to let go of the pain and suffering you’ve been experiencing, click the ‘add to cart’ button and start TODAY, go ahead, do it, and I’ll see you on the other side)

100% Satisfaction Guarantee
You are fully protected by our 100% Satisfaction-Guarantee. I believe this 3 step cookie cutter cheat sheet will really help you understand how to find those all important cookie cutters, and that the process will have a very positive impact on your life in lots of different ways because of it. However, if over the next 30 days, you feel this isn't the case, just let me know and I'll send you a prompt refund.
See what some of our customers have to say:
"I've started to experience a wonderful freedom..."
"I do not feel as guilty as before. I've started to feel that I am not responsible for other's lives and I have the right to live my own life and do what I would like to do. I've started to experience a wonderful freedom."

"I have been enjoying the quick and positive up-spiral..."
"I have been enjoying the quick and positive up-spiral that NPA seems to so easily bring any time that I choose to use it. My experience with such tools puts NPA right up there with 'The Work' of Byron Katie. Powerful and deceptively simple.."

"My sensitivity to criticism and needing to defend has gone...."
"This is something quite simple that I wanted to share with you. I was unaware, until a friend pointed it out to me, how often I am triggered into defending, whether it is in defence of myself or other people and it was almost coming across as confrontational!
Now (after NPA) incredibly, my sensitivity to criticism and needing to defend has gone. Really gone, I can simply listen now, and feel really peaceful and interested in what is being said without being on Red Alert for something or someone who needed defending. I honestly believed I was just putting another point of view, but it seems that was not the case. What a relief to be rid of it..!"

"It's a brilliant tool..."
"For anyone curious about NPA and about to gloss over and go onto the next loveley image or quote of the day. Stop! NPA is amazing as is Joel, do check NPA out. It is a brilliant tool."

"I was astonished by breaking my personal record..."
"It was amazing to discover how easy it is and how my whole being reacted when I was still. I did a process to heal my leg, which always feels heavy because of a problem with my vains. I like to run and do so approx. 3 times a week. But the last few months I really had difficulties running my rounds. The day after the process I did the 10 km run at the Rotterdam Marathon and I was astonished by breaking my personal record with 10 minutes."

And Yes, it can be applied to Your Situation
As long as you can talk, write or express yourself in some way, the process can be applied to whatever is going on in your life. It's not about 'figuring it out', it's simpler than that and I lay it all out for you in The NPA Key Word Cheat Sheet.
I've taught this to literally thousands of people all over the world, from all walks of life - from coaches and therapists to stay-at-home-mums, brick layers, project managers, personal assistants, estate agents, high financiers and more... All of them were able to follow my simple and clear instruction and get how it works for them. So rest assured, you can too...
You just need to know how to find those all important key words...
And that's what you get when you buy The NPA Key Word Cheat Sheet... for car parking money... for coffee money... for less than a pizza... for a limited time!
This is a small amount of money & time, extremely well spent! So go ahead and follow through on whatever impulse you had to make a difference in your life that got you this far down the page! Press the 'Add To Cart' button:
Discover The Secret To Finding Those All Important Key Words And Start Your, No Risk, Expanded NPA Journey To Freedom Today!
Click the 'Add To Cart' button and start making a difference in your life right away
"Stop second guessing your impulses to take action; movement will always feel better. Be kind to you and take action on the impulse that supports your request for help and support. You've suffered enough, and when you stop taking things personally, forgiveness is automatic & freedom follows. Now THAT is what you deserve!”
P.S.: You opted in for the 'Don't Take Them Personally' exercise because you said you wanted to feel freer and more empowered in tricky situations, so you might as well buy 'The NPA Key Word Cheat Sheet', especially as it's being offered to you here at such a low price, and for a limited time only.